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Ralph Thurman
Ralph Thurman
Preserving Paradise - The State of Solid Waste Management in the USVI - Ralph Thurman
The USVI faces challenges in solid waste management as the islands landfills approach capacity. How can paradise be preserved?]
The Search for Solutions to Reduce Waste in the USVI - Ralph Thurman
Virgin Islanders throw away 40% more waste than the average American. A waste audit sought to determine what comprised the waste and how to address it.
Conservation Focus: How Do Certain Suntan Lotions Impact Marine Life? - Ralph Thurman
We look at the devastating impact of sunscreens containing the "Toxic 3 Os" on marine ecosystems all over the world.
4 Lessons from Military Leaders for CEOs in Times of Crisis - Ralph Thurman
Military leaders make life and death decisions in situations of uncertainty. Learn how CEOs can follow their lead.
How Is Plastic Jeopardizing the World’s Most Beautiful Destinations? - Ralph Thurman
With governments all over the world enacting stringent measures to reduce plastic pollution, we look at the implications for global tourism.
5 Ways the Pandemic Has Changed How CEOs Recruit and Retain Executives - Ralph Thurman
Executives redefined priorities and are now open to new roles as a result of the pandemic, which has also impacted executive recruitment.
3 Companies with Excellent Career Development Programs for Veterans - Ralph Thurman
From JPMorgan Chase and Coca-Cola to Boeing, we look at three companies that help veterans to transition from military service to civilian life.
4 Important Leadership Skills Shared by the World's Most Successful CEOs - Ralph Thurman
From adept communication skills to calculated risk-taking, we explore a selection of aptitudes that the world’s leading business leaders share.
The World’s Most Successful CEOs Exercise - Are You Fit to Lead? - Ralph Thurman
Successful leaders maintain their physical fitness. Exercise has been proven to improve cognitive functioning, among other benefits.
6 Best Practices for Managing Your Board of Directors - Ralph Thurman
Every CEO should follow these best practices when looking to manage their boards of directors more effectively.
5 Reasons Why We All Need to Do More to Avoid Plastic Pollution - Ralph Thurman
We explore five reasons why we need to do more to combat plastic pollution, from climate change to microplastics entering human food chains.
12 Military Skills That Poise Veterans for Success in Civilian Jobs - Ralph Thurman
From technical skills to the ability to work under pressure, we look at 12 capabilities inherent in military personnel that are also highly desirable in civilian staff.
5 Reasons to Recycle As Much As Possible - Ralph Thurman
From creating jobs and driving innovation to reducing land, air, and water pollution, we look at the many advantages of recycling.
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